Book of mormon witness statements

Jeremy runnells was offered an opportunity to discuss his own doubts with a director of the church educational system ces and was assured that his doubts could be resolved. The testimonies of the three witnesses and the eight witnesses are very different, in a way that makes them exceptionally strong. David whitmer, one of the book of mormons three witnesses, said if you believe my testimony to the book of mormon. In the first, oliver cowdery, david whitmer and martin harris affirm that theyve seen the plates from which the book of mormon was translated by. Did book of mormon witnesses simply see the golden plates with. For a number of reasons, david whitmers lifelong testimony is uniquely valuable. Remember we have interspersed paintings, maps, pictures, archaeology, etc throughout the actual text of the book of mormon.

Bofm witnesses presentation provides a spiritual and temporal witness of the realities of the book of mormon. In the lds church, much emphasis is placed on the witness of three men who. Mclellin held a peculiar position relative to the book of mormon witnesses. Gunnell goes on to quote a letter written in 1844 by phineas young to brigham young, martin harris is a firm believer in shakerism, says his testimony is greater than it was of the book of mormon martin harris witness and benefactor to the book of mormon, wayne c. Just as the arch crumbles if the keystone is removed, so does all the church stand or fall with the truthfulness of the book of mormon. Did the book of mormon witnesses really see what they claimed. Three witnesses the testimonies of the witnesses printed in the book of mormon offer compelling evidence in favor of its miraculous origin. He had seen and handled them all, by the power of god. Evaluating the book of mormon witnesses religious studies center. Oxford university press, 2003, 4142, emphasis added.

The testimony of the eight witnesses was first published at the end of the 1830 edition of the book of mormon and has been printed in. However, this report is from william smith, one of josephs brothers who was not a book of mormon witness. Or whether the report comes from a disaffected member whos no less credible than a tbm apologist with extreme confirmation biaslike dan peterson. The most significant witnesses are the three witnesses and the eight witnesses, all of whom allowed their names to be used on two separate statements included with the book of mormon. The witness statements enhance the plausibility of joseph smith and the book he dictated. It is inconclusive if the witnesses actually saw plates or if they only claimed to see them. That we, through the grace of god the father, and our lord jesus christ, have. According to the introduction to the book of mormon, what will those who gain a divine witness of the book of mormon also come to know is true. The first edition of the book of mormon featured two testimonials. Be it known unto all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people, unto whom this work shall come. Did martin harris claim that even the eight witnesses. Annotated edition of the book of mormon new 2nd edition.

Testimony of three witnesses, late june 1829, page 589. The statement of the 8 witnesses was also a single statement signed by all 8 men oliver cowdery actually signed each of the eight witnesses names. Theyre distinctly different both in their tone and in what they describe. Martin harris was well known for his religious instability and that he changed his religious affiliation at least thirteen times in his life. After reading jeremys letter, the director promised him a response. Gods word is to be established by two or more witnesses 2 cor.

My husband, oliver cowdery, bore his testimony to the truth and divine origin of the book of mormon, as one of. I interviewed witnesses, examined and crossexamined them in court, etc. Did the book of mormon witnesses see the gold plates only. Since its publication in 1830, the book of mormon has been accompanied by the testimony of three witnesses claiming to have seen the an angel with the plates and the testimony of eight witnesses. From his first knowledge of the book of mormon in the summer of 1831 until his last known writings nearly a halfcentury later, he affirmed his faith in the testimony of the book of mormon. The statement of the 3 witnesses for the book of mormon was a single statement signed by all three men. The eight witnesses were one of the two groups of witnesses who made statements stating that they had seen the golden plates which joseph smith jr. This second quote also couldnt possibly apply, as it is from 1827, years after the book of mormon witness statement. Many critics of the book of mormon witnesses say that the witnesses of the book of mormon denied their written testimonies in statements to different people over. Holy ghost is greatest witness of the book of mormon. Every page from the book of mormon is included in the 600 page volume. Richard lloyd anderson presents evidence from original sources on each of the eleven witnesses and concludes. The evidence is very clear that joseph smith also dictated the long biblical quotations in the book of mormon by means of the translation instrument.

Ces letter is one latterday saints honest quest to get official answers from the lds church on its troubling origins, history, and practices. Why is david whitmers witness of the book of mormon so. The historical narrative surrounding the book of mormon witnesses presents a labyrinth of conflicting statements, many provided decades after the fact by those not present during the events. An account written by the hand of mormon upon plates taken from the plates of nephi, who claimed that it had been. Three witnesses the three witnesses are david whitmer, oliver cowdery, and martin harris, who mortgaged his farm to finance the first printing of the book of mormon. Many critics of the book of mormon witnesses say that the witnesses of the book of mormon denied their written testimonies in statements to different people over the years. Some pages are in low resolution on purpose to save space. Gunnell goes on to quote a letter written in 1844 by phineas young to brigham young, martin harris is a firm believer in shakerism, says his testimony is greater than it was of the book of mormon martin harris witness and benefactor to the book. Three witnesses oliver cowdery, david whitmer, and martin harris declared an angel of god appeared to them and showed them the book of mormon plates and they heard the voice of the lord pronounce that joseph smiths translation had been accomplished. Throughout their lives, none of the witnesses of the book of mormon ever denied their testimonies.

Two solemn declarations the testimony of three witnesses and the testimony of eight witnesses have been published with the book of mormon since 1830. Then, with particular attention to the assumption that seeing with spiritual eyes negates ones witness, i will analyze the statements as an historian who chooses to believe in the testimonies of the book of mormon witnesses and end with an invitation to my readers to join me in making that informed choice. Investigating the book of mormon witnesses deseret book. Beginning with the first edition of 1830, the book of mormon has generally contained two sets of testimoniesthe testimony of three witnesses. After the witnesses returned to the house the angel again made his appearance to joseph and. They are from modern antimormon third hand sources. The american scripture that launched a new world religion new york. The book of mormon contains two sets of joint statements written by joseph smith for those who claimed to have seen the gold plates. As such, their identity is an additional witness of the divine authenticity of the text. In most cases, i evaluated witness statements taken by the police or investigators, comparing different versions of events as related by different people. Critics often declare that the witnesses to the book of mormon never. Statements clearly traced to the witnesses verify the testimonies printed in the book of mormon. A book of mistakes, error, and fraud by jon gary williams introduction the mormon church promotes the book of mormon as an inspired writing. Smith said he had been directed by the angel moroni to translate this work from reformed egyptian into english.

The book of mormon is an account of the former inhabitants of this continent that contains the fulness of the everlasting gospel. The book of mormon is one of the most influential, as well as controversial, religious documents in american history, and is regarded as sacred scripture by followers around the world, including members of the church of jesus christ of latterday saints, the fourthlargest. For one thing, he was the most interviewed of the three witnesses and often seemed to go out of his way to fulfill his duty to testify of the book of mormon. The findings of the analysis here supports the designation of the three. Only one interpretation of christ doctrine survives the testimony of these two witnesses again and again the book of mormon acts is a confirming clarifying unifying witness of the doctrines taught in the bible, so there is only one lord one faith one baptism, for example, some people are confused as to whether baptism is essential for salvation. However, after a fair and candid examination of the evidence, many thousands of honest mormons have discovered that this claim simply is not true. The book of mormon, combined with the spirit, is the greatest witness one has of the truthfulness of the church of jesus christ of latterday saints, said elder tad r. Why are there two sets of official book of mormon witnesses. The spiritual text that forms the basis of mormonism, in the last edition edited by its founder, joseph smith, jr. The book of mormon witnesses are a group of contemporaries of joseph smith who claimed to have seen the golden plates from which smith translated the book of mormon. Evidence that the new testament phrases in the book of. An earlier group of witnesses who said they had seen. Every book of mormon makes these statements in the inside cover of title page. Richard lloyd anderson, investigating the book of mormon witnesses salt lake city.

Much confusion surrounds the issue of who actually saw or signed what, where and when. Home true book of mormon geography lands western new. The same statements are often quoted elsewhere in the wiki under specific articles. An earlier group of witnesses who said they had seen the plates were called the three witnesses. In fact, william insisted in the same statement that he was convinced joseph was not lying about. I have seen what i have seen and i have heard what i have heard. The valueless testimony of the book of mormon witnesses. The book of mormon is a sacred text of the latter day saint movement, which adherents believe contains writings of ancient prophets who lived on the american continent from approximately 2200 bc to ad 421. A frequent claim is that a book of mormon witnesses said that he only handled the plates while they were covered in a tow frock.

Book of mormon witnesses the encyclopedia of mormonism. Each of the three witnesses bore repeated testimony of their witness experience in published statements. This page collects statements from the witnesses to the book of mormon plates in one convenient location. The book of mormon by joseph smith, paperback barnes. Its all but irrelevant whether harris said it or not.

It is difficult to determine whether joseph was seeing words written on the stone, or if looking at the stone aided in opening up a vision. Phineas young wrote to his older brother brigham young on december 31, 1841, from kirtland, ohio. Gathering zion the book of mormona book from god facebook. Harmon, made in about 1885, cited in vogel, emd, 2. David whitmer, an address to all believers in christ by a witness to the divine authenticity of the book of mormon david whitmer. His method of translation and the witness statements seem to preclude his direct use of a king james bible. The following are actual pages from the final annotated book of mormon. I have seen the gold plates from which the book of mormon is written. It was first published in march 1830 by joseph smith as the book of mormon.

Book of mormon central, what does the book of mormon teach about the priesthood. As the above logo depicts, we do respect this mandate, and our model is. Last testimony of sister emma, saints herald 26 oct. In this carefully researched, thoughtprovoking book, dr. All three witnesses testimony of three witnesses 1829. Evaluating the book of mormon witnesses book of mormon.

In addition, he gave false prophecies and became carried away with his own visions. Martin harris is a firm believer in shakerism, says his testimony is greater than it was for the book of mormon martin harris witness and benefactor of the book of mormon, 1955, p. Ces letter falsely attributes the second quote to martin harris. These include illustrations, images, maps and prophetic statements that support the proposition that the ancestors of the indians that now inhabit this country closely fit the time frames and events described in the book of mormon. The author, richard lloyd anderson, gives many historical details about the statements of such critics and the sources and background of their statements. In the yale edition of the book of mormon the book of mormon. Page numbers from the printed copy have been inserted in the text in brackets. Historical statements by witnesses of the translation process also provide valuable information about how joseph smith translated, but sometimes. Book of mormon witnesses all later denied its truthfulness. Here it was that those 8 witnesses recorded in the book of mormon looked upon the plates and handled them of which they bear witness in the title page of the book of mormon. Martin harriswitness and benefactor of the book of mormon, 1955, p. The three witnesses were oliver cowdery, martin harris, and david whitmer, whose joint testimony, in conjunction with a separate statement by eight witnesses. If the book of mormon be trueand millions have now testified that they have the witness of the spirit that it is indeed truethen one must accept the claims of the restoration and all that accompanies it the book of mormonkeystone of our. Why new testament words and phrases are in the book of.